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Dr. Ramachandra S. Hosmane

(1) Good Old Graduate Days of RSH in the 70's (2) Research Group Picnic, 1986: Mike Rauser and Me. Mike was an undergraduate student working in my lab, who went on to become a surgeon in opthamology. (2) Research Group Picnic, 1987: (L to R) Susan Babyak, Craig Bertha (M.S. 1989; Ph.D. 1992), Song Ho, Chong Son, Warren Denis, Bert Ozgun, and myself. (3) Research Group Picnic, 1988: (L to R) Seema Bhat, Mrinal Guha, Mala Hosmane, Pursottam Bhan, Kevin Bertha, Mrs. Bertha, Aditya Bhat, Raji Hosmane, Ben Lim (M.S.; 1986, Ph.D. 1989), Craig Bertha, Ruth Stevens, Ram Hosmane, Elaine Stevens, Mike Rauser, Bert Ozgun. (4) Research Group Picnic, 1989: (L to R) Fred Burnett (Ph.D. 1995), Ram Hosmane, Ram Mohan, Mala Hosmane, Anila Bhan, Raji Hosmane, Mrs. Vaidya. (5) Research Group Picture, 1990: The names are given on the back of their Group Teashirts. (6) Research Group Picture, 1991(in front of the Chemistry building): (L to R) Mary Mumper (Ph.D. 1996), Anila Bhan (Postdoc, 1985-95), Fred Burnett (Ph.D. 1995), Mi Kyung Hong (Ph.D. 1996), Craig Bertha (Ph.D. 1992), Ram Hosmane, Vimisha Patel (Project SEED student), Folami Baker (Project SEED student), Vishu Bhadti (Postdoc 1989-96). (7) Graduation , 1992 (with Craig Bertha). (8) Research Group Picture, 1993: (L to R) Peter (Zhiyuan) Sun (Visiting Professor, 1993-95), Srinivasan Natesan (Visiting Scientist, 1993-94), Ben Lim (Postdoc, 1993-94 ), Sam Agasimundin (Visiting Professor, 1993-94), Vishu Bhadti (postdoc, 1989-96), Fred Burnett (Ph.D. 1995), Kumar Rajappan (Ph.D. 1998), Ram Hosmane (with toupee), Mi Kyung Hong (Ph.D. 1996), Prasad Peri (Postdoc, 1993-97), Anila Bhan (Postdoc, 1985-95), Lijuan Wang (Ph.D. 1995), Mary Mumper (Ph.D. 1996). (9) Research Group Picnic, 1994: (L to R) Vishu Bhadti (Postdoc, 1989-96), Anila Bhan (Postdoc 1985-95), Manik Bhan, Rhona Kalivretenos, Aris Kalivretenos, Mary Mumper (Ph.D. 1996), James Huang/Wang, David Huang, Lijuan Wang (Ph.D. 1995), Sam Agasimundin (Visiting Professor, 1993-94), Fred Burnett (Ph.D. 1995), Mr. Hong, Mi Kyung Hong (Ph.D. 1996), Ram Hosmane, Srinivasan Natesan (Visiting Scientist, 1993-94), Kumar Rajappan (Ph.D. 1998), Peter (Zhiyuan) Sun (Visiting Professor, 1993-95). (10) Dr. Hosmane addressing the convocation audience on the occasion of receiving the Presidential Research Professor award for the years 1998-2001 from the University on October 2, 1998. (11) Group Picnic, 1999 (Large Central Panel with Caption), (L to R) First Row (F to B): Julie Gill (B.S. 1999), Saika Siddiqui (M.S. 1999), Njeri Ngaine, Karla Somerville-Armstrong, Mike Armstrong; Second Row (F to B): Maria Bretner (Research Associate, 1997-99), Bruce Gustafson, Tim Roach; Third Row(F to B): Ning Zhang, Ayub Reayi, Mrs. Shairose Reayi; Fourth Row(F to B): Lino Korah, Naznin Vahora, Huanming Chen (Research Associate, 1997-), Sunny Chen; missing from the photograph (see the panel immediately above for the picture): Jessica Metzler (sitting with Bruce Gustafson and Mike Armstrong). (12) Group Picnic 2001 (June 29): (L to R) Peng Zhang, Mrs. Akkamahadevi Agasimundin, Dr. Yankanagouda (Sam) Agasimundin, Henok Aynalem, Stacey Simmons, Ram Hosmane, Bruce Gustafson, Ning Zhang, missing from the picture (Ayub Reayi). (13)Additional Pictures from Group Picnic 2001 (Part I) (14) Graduation Pictures of Karla Somerville-Armstrong on December 20, 2001 (15) Picture of Meera Shah (M. S., 2002) (16) Group Picnic Pictures 8/1/2002 (Part I) (17) Group Picnic Pictures 8/1/2002 (Part II) (18) Group Picnic Pictures 8/1/2002 (Part III) (19) The U.S. Visit of My Friend and Collaborator Dr. Peter Borowski and His Wife Edith from Hamburg, Germany During September 24-26, 2002. (20) Pictures from the Maryland Chemist of the Year Award Ceremony (UMBC News Release), December 11, 2002. (21) Rose (M.S. 1998) with Her Husband Lee and Daughter Emily (2003) (22) Research Group Pictures of 2003 (Lunch at Old Country Buffet (Summer '03) (23) Graduation Party at Hosmane Residence for Ayub Reayi (Ph.D., '03) and Tim Roach (Ph.D., '03) on December 16, 2003 (24) Graduation Pictures of Ayub Reayi (Ph.D., '03) on December 18, '03. (25) Research Group Barbeque Dinner at Hosmane Residence on July 5, 2004. (26) Annual Research Group Picnic at Cunnigham Falls State Park on July 23, 2004. (27) More Pictures of Group Picnic on July 23, 04 (28) Birthday Celebration at Bombay Grill, Towson, MD on December 5, 2004: (a) Part-I, (b) Part-II (29) Ning Zhang Graduation Party at Hosmane Residence on November 19, 2005 (30) Research Group Picture_05 (31) Peng (Penny) Zhang Graduation Party at Hosmane Residence on March 10, 2007 (32) Peng Zhang Convocation Pictures 2007 (33) Group Picnic 2007 at Gunpowder Falls State Park (34) Thanksgiving Party of RSH Group on Saturday November 17, 2007 (35) Surprise Birthday Party at Hosmane Residence on December 9, 2007 (36) Group Lunch at Indian Delight Restaurant on December 27, 2007 (37) Group Photo with Dr. Rama Rao, Director, NIPER, India on June 19, 2008 (38) (a) Group Picnic 2008_Part-I at Greenbriar State Park (b) Group Picnic Part-II (c) Group Picnic Part-III (39) Surprise Birthday Party for Dr. Hosmane & Min Xie at the Department on December 12, 2008 (40) Farewell Party for Dr. Ravi Ujjinamatada and his family, including his wife Ashwini and daughter Prisha at the Department on January 1, 2009 (41) Presidential Teaching Professor Award to Dr. Hosmane, April 2009, for the years 2009-2012 (42) Keynote Speech at the UMBC Fall Convocation on August 31, 2009(43) Group Picnic 2009, Susquehanna State Park, Havre de Grace, Maryland (44) Surprise Birthday Party for Dr. Hosmane & Sarah Wang (Min Xie) at the Department on December 14, 2009 (45) Retirement Party Pictures of Dr. Hosmane at Hosmane Residence on Jan 6, 2010 (46) Group Picnic Pictures, 2010, at Greenbriar State Park, August 7, 2010 (47) 66th Birthday Party Pictures of Dr. Hosmane at Hosmane Residence on December 7, 2010 (48) Potluck Lunch at Hosmane Residence on February 5, 2011 (49) Family Pictures of Dr. Raj Kumar (Postdoc 2007-08), Mrs. Shweta Raj Kumar and Master Tanvish Raj Kumar (50) Potluck Lunch at Hosmane Residence on June 18, 2011 (51) Birthday Celebrations of Saritha and Tanvish Raj Kumar August, 2011 (52) The Last Supper with the Hosmanes' at their Maryland residence on October 12, 2011 (53) Doctoral Graduation Party Pictures Taken on May 18 and May 19, 2012 (54) Wedding Pictures of Drs. Margaret and Bryan Curtin, June 1, 2012